The Centre de design de l’UQAM kicks off its season with the exhibition “Parcours : 50 ans de créativité”
Dates: September 12 to November 10, 2024
Vernissage : September 11, 2024 at 5 p.m.
Curators: Marc H. Choko, Éric Daoust, Patrick Evans
August 28, 2024 ─ To celebrate the 50th anniversary of UQAM’s School of design, the Centre de design presents an exhibition that will resonate with a public curious to discover the diversity and eclecticism of the design milieu.

Left image Student project: “interactive” wooden object and its cardboard model, Mysterious Box, 1998 Teacher: Frédéric Metz
Right image Recent project: interactive installation at the Quartier des spectacles in Montreal, 21 swings, Daily tous les jours, 2011 Collaboration: music by Radwan Ghazi Moumneh
Photo credit: Olivier Blouin

Left image Student project: cross section for a competition of ideas on the theme of a new typology of building, ARQ Competition, 1989
Right image Recent project: single-family residence, True North, AtelierCarle, 2018
Photo credit: Adrien Williams
Parcours presents the trajectories of fifty graduates from the School of Design’s six academic programs, from their first student works to their most recent creations. All generations that have passed through the school since 1974 are represented. Five decades of creative archives have been searched to highlight the evolution and interconnectivity of the various design disciplines taught at the school including graphic design, industrial design, architecture and urban design, fashion design, transportation design, event design and modern patrimonial studies.
An exhibition showcasing the many possible paths in design

Left image Student project: Digital illustrations, 1999 Teacher: Frédéric Metz
Right image Recent project: robotic polymorphic clothing, 2 5 2 6, 2022
Photo credit: Maude Arsenault
Thanks to this unprecedented collection of posters, books, drawings, plans, illustrations, models, objects, prototypes, furniture and videos, the public will be able to explore the exceptional diversity of design practices and the importance of design in our everyday lives.
“Parcours explores the past, confronts the present and imagines the future. Our team took on the challenge of creating an archeology of the school by uncovering unique student projects and artifacts. It’s a must-see exhibition to understand how design has accompanied the social, environmental and technological transformations of the last fifty years,” describes Patrick Evans, Director of the Centre de design and co-curator of the exhibition.
What have they become? Quebec designers who graduated from the School of Design who inspire us!

Among those featured are Alain Carle, of Atelier Carle, renowned for his works of residential architecture; Ying Gao, internationally renowned fashion designer and professor at the School of design; Marie-Josée Lacroix, the City of Montreal’s first design commissioner; Philippe Lamarre, founder of Urbania, Denis Lapointe, head of design at Bombardier Recreational Products, Catherine Lebrun, director of product design at lululemon, and Melissa Mongiat, co-founder of Daily tous les jours, a design studio well known to Montrealers for its swings in the Quartier des spectacles.
A tribute wall and a library
A “tribute wall” celebrates the contributions of nearly 700 faculty members and employees of the School of design. Anecdotes and artifact descriptions reveal key moments from the school’s history. The exhibition also evokes the memory of several important members of the teaching staff who left their mark on the careers of a large number of graduates.
A library is also available to the public. More than 200 works illustrating the excellence of the research carried out at the school can be consulted on site. These works are made accessible in large part by a close collaboration with the UQAM Library Service and donations from professors.
About the curators
Marc H. Choko is Professor Emeritus at the École de design de l’UQAM, where he taught from 1977 to 2018. He was director of research at INRS Urbanisation, Culture et Société from 1985 to 2005 and directed the Centre de design de l’UQAM from 1999 to 2008. Founder-donor of the Société des designers graphiques du Québec‘s annual student poster competition, he now devotes his professional activities to publishing books, producing and curating exhibitions, and lecturing on the graphic arts.
Éric Daoust graduated with a bachelor’s degree in environmental design from UQAM, and has maintained close ties with the École de design, serving as guest critic and lecturer. For over fifteen years, he has taught a 3rd-year workshop and passed on his expertise to future designers. At the same time, he continues his professional practice with Bosses design, focusing on projects such as trophy creation, country house design, ephemeral installations and scenography for exhibitions in major Montreal museums.
Patrick Evans is director of the Centre de design, architect and professor at UQAM’s École de design. Since 2014, he has directed the N360 Northern Design Lab, where his research projects focus on the relationship between design, climate and energy in northern environments. He is co-founder of the MEDIUM design collective and laureate of the Ronald J. Thom Award from the Canada Council for the Arts.

COLLOQUIUM MUTATIONS : Où va le design ?
Dates : September 18 to 20, 2024
Location: Pavillon de Design de l’UQAM, 1440, rue Sanguinet, room DE-4550
To mark its fiftieth anniversary, the École de design is also organizing the colloquium MUTATIONS: Où va le design? from September 18 to 20, 2024. Experts from Montreal and abroad will share their visions for the future of design from four themes: social commitment, environment, (de)materiality and artificial intelligence.
Emanuele Quinz, PhD in aesthetics, art science and technology, art and design historian and lecturer at Université Paris 8, will kick off the symposium with an opening lecture.
Program (in french)
Lectures are free and open to the public.
Reservations required:
Address and opening hours

Centre de design de l’UQAM
1440, rue Sanguinet
Métro Berri-UQAM
Wednesday – Sunday, 12 h – 18 h
Free admission
Guided tours of exhibitions for groups
Available at all times
Reservations required at
Free of charge
Tél. : 514 987-3395
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**Photos available on demand.
Olivier Lapierre
Press officer
cell. : 514 583-3868